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Studying in Groups

Research Methods Learning Spaces

The purpose of this space is to share created and curated resources that bring together concepts, theories, and methods relevant to your learning about qualitative research methods generally, and field-based methods specifically. Each section below is linked to a page with materials and resources.

Introduction to qualitative research

The purpose of this space is to orient those new to the field of qualitative research, design, and methods. This is a series of created and curated resources that bring together concepts, theories, and methods relevant to your learning about qualitative research methods generally by beginning with the foundations of social theory.

Toy Brain

Observational Methods

Observations are key in most field-based studies and essential  in ethnographic inquiries.

People Partying

Literature-based research

Literature based research is often the first place we start when we begin an inquiry project. These resources help you understand the difference between a literature review within a scholarly work and one that stands alone as a scholarly work.

Stack of Books

Focus Group Discussions

The focus group discussion method is a unique design choice and follows specific properties different from individual interviews. Learn more about the purpose and process of using focus group discussions when doing field-based research.

Colorful Beach
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